Club’s Chronicle
17. Dezember 1997 Christmas Party.
6./7. September 1997 Participation at the IARU Fieldday (SSB).
7./8. Juni 1997 Participation at the IARU Fieldday (CW).
1997 25-years’ DARC membership: Reinhard, DK5RK, and Hubert, DK3AR
14. September 1996 Julian, DL6OCK, took second place in the Sachsen-Anhalt Contest in the category 2m FM, Hugo, DL2HRH, took 9th place in the category 80m SSB.
7./8. September 1996 First Participation in the SSB IARU Fieldday .
7.-20. September 1996 DXpedition of Reinhard, DK5RK, to Elba.
15.-21. April 1996 Stay of Reinhard, DK5RK, in Qatar. Amateur radio activities as A71AN/DK5RK.
December 1995 Complete renovation of our club rooms.
September 1995 Several members got new shorter call signs.
July 1995 DL0MLU is now on the Web. Our internet address is
1995 New short-wave power stage (Ameritron AL811HX, output power of 800W).
19.- 28. July 1994 DXpedition of Ernst, DL3HRA, to Namibia (V5) as V5/DL3HRA. 759 contacts. QSLs directly to him or via club. Reports in several journals: Funkamateur 43 (1994), issue No. 9, p. 845, and CQ DL 65 (1994) issue No. 10, p. 734.
1994 New equipment: Short-wave transceiver TS 440.
September 1993 DXpedition of Reinhard, DL4HRT, Ernst, DL3HRA, and Steffen, DL2HYM, to Liechtenstein (HB0).
1993 DXpedition of Reinhard, DL4HRT, to Corsica (TK).
1992 DXpedition of Robert, DL4HRM, to Liechtenstein (HB0).
1991New short-wave beam antenna FB33 for 20, 15, and 10 m (1995 extended for 40m).
1991 Since April 27th, 1991 up to April 2009 Hugo, DL2HRH, has been the district’s treasurer of the DARC district Saxony-Anhalt in a non-interrupted sequence.
1991 Since April 27th, 1991 up to April 2009 Wolfram, DL3HWD, has been the district’s chairman of the DARC district Saxony-Anhalt in a non-interrupted sequence.
1. January 1991 The GDR’s Radio Club is dissolved. Its members join the German Amateur Radio Club (DARC). The Martin Luther University Radio Club is now the DARC’s local association W35. The new call sign of our club is DL0MLU. The club’s chairman is Roland, DL3HRU.
3. October 1990 Unity of both German countries.
2. October 1990 Roland, Y23YH, made at 23.51 local time (22.51 UTC) his last GDR’s QSO with Y24NG at the club station.
1987 Expedition to the GDR’s (Y2) region H09 (in Sangerhausen) for the Y2-KK award.
1986 Removal to the very top rooms of the building of the Department of Physics: The both upper tower floors. Before this, both rooms were renovated by the club members and numerous physics students. Besides the short-wave transceiver the ultra-short-wave transceiver USE 600 is in operation (6 fixed frequency channels in the 2m band, 15 W output power). New antennas.
1986Expedition to the GDR’s (Y2) region H12 (in Landsberg; Spetember 13, 1986) for the Y2-KK award.
May 7, 1985Presentation of amateur radio at the university’s sport festival.
1985/1986A new home-made power stage is built, its name is Hercules. Characteristics: Six SRS 551(RS 1003, GU 50) tubes in grounded grid circuit, input power ca. 500 W.
1985Expedition to the GDR’s (Y2) region H16 (in Altweidenbach) for the Y2-KK award. Several club members took part at the special occasion amateur radio station Y85GST.
19. - 27. February 1985 Special event amateur radio station Y85GFH on occasion of the 300th birthday of George Frederick Handel on February 23rd. We took part: Adelbert, Y24OH, Ernst, Y21JH, Fred, Y24SH, Klaus, Y75UH, Reinhard, Y75ZH, Robert, Y75XH, Roland, Y75YH, and, last not least, Rolf, Y24ZH. 1415 contacts to all continents. Reports in several news papers.
1984 Expedition to the GDR’s (Y2) regions H07 (in Natho; July 1, 1984) and H12 (in Morl; June 30, 1984) for the Y2-KK award.
September 1983 Foundation of the club station Y75ZH. Foundation members were Reinhard (Y75ZH, Y24VH), Roland (Y75YH, Y23YH), and Robert (Y75XH, Y28QH). First equipment: Short-wave transceiver Teltow 215 C (80-10m, 100 W input power), several dipol antennas. The first club rooms were in a side part of the building of the Department of Physics.
Oktober 1981 Start of preparations to build a amateur radio station at the University of Halle.
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